Nov 2022

The Annoying Truth: 7 Factors that Make Your Divorce Cost More

cost of divorce

Getting divorced is a major decision and, often, requires significant financial investment. Many people have no idea what the overall divorce cost will be, which can be nerve-wracking and stressful.  You deserve to know the overall divorce cost and what

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Oct 2022

Why Discovery is Important in Every Divorce to Avoid Getting Burned

Discovery is Important in Every Divorce

When going through a divorce everyone wants an uncontested divorce. However, each marriage is different. Sometimes, there is suspicion that a spouse is having an affair. Or, in some marriages, one spouse may not know anything about the household

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Sep 2022

Habitual Drunkenness Can Be a Devastating Reason for Divorce Litigation

Habitual Drunkenness

In South Carolina, habitual drunkenness is one reason to seek a divorce. Habitual drunkenness is one of four fault grounds. The other fault grounds are adultery, physical cruelty, and desertion. S.C. Code Ann. § 20-3-10 also provides a “no fault” ground

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Jul 2022

3 Reasons Military Divorces Are Harder to Resolve

Military Divorces

Military divorces are common in the greater Charleston area because there are four military installations nearby. If you are in the military or married to someone in the military, and considering divorce, then read on to learn how military divorces can be

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Feb 2022

Mandatory Mediation in South Carolina Family Court

mandatory mediation in south carolina court

Mandatory mediation is an integral part of resolving various family law matters in South Carolina Family Court. This article provides a detailed overview of mandatory mediation, focusing on its application in child support and divorce cases. We will explore

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