Jun 2024

How to Deal with a Divorce: Effective Strategies for Moving Forward

Going through a divorce can be one of life’s most challenging experiences. Knowing how to deal with a divorce is important for managing your emotional and practical hurdles. This guide offers step-by-step strategies to help you understand emotional stages,

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Apr 2024

Why Divorce Preparations are Crucial for Ensuring Security and Peace of Mind

Parent with young child during a scheduled visitation.

If you are at the very beginning of the road to divorce, contemplating separating and then divorcing your spouse, you are at the beginning of an emotional and financial rollercoaster. That is why divorce preparations are crucial to a successful divorce. The

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Mar 2024

Discover the 5 Essential Tactics Used by the Best Divorce Lawyers

couple talking to a divorce lawyer

In the whirlwind of legal separation proceedings, the best divorce lawyers rely on meticulous organization and detailed record-keeping to navigate complexities, meet deadlines, and keep clients informed. Yet, amidst the emotional storm, the best divorce

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Jan 2024

Essential and Effective Custody Terms When You’re the Custodial Parent

As a custodial parent, it's important to understand the custody terms that will be included in your child custody agreement. These terms will outline the rights and responsibilities of both you and the non-custodial parent, and will ultimately determine the

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Jan 2024

Five Reasons Annoying and Intrusive Financial Disclosures Are Required

Picture this: a maze filled with confusing pathways, hidden traps, and unexpected twists. This is what the divorce process often feels like, especially when it comes to completing a financial disclosure form for divorce. This seemingly mundane yet essential

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