Tag Archives: south carolina law

7 Steps for a Successful Appeal and How to Quickly Move Your Case

What Defines a Successful Appeal? Appellate practice is an area that most law firms do not wade into because how appellate courts work can be confusing! Appeals feel like a never-ending series of deadlines, and most trial lawyers do not enjoy research and


How Mistakes on Your Financial Declaration in SC Can Make You Look Like a Crooked Liar

[Thanks to Richard T. Livingston, CPA/CFF, CFE, CVA and Partner at FORVIS for helping write this article!] Almost all cases in require each party to complete a “financial declaration” in SC as required by Rule 20, SCRFC. The financial declaration


How to Easily Change the Name You Hate in South Carolina Family Court

When navigating how to legally change your name in South Carolina or wondering "how to get name changed", you may be surprised by how challenging the change process can be. Especially if you often think, "I hate my last name." Reasons to Want a Change