Dec 19

Startling New Appellate Rule: Custody Cases Must Be Decided Promptly!

new appellate rule south carolina

We’ve blogged before about how the appellate process works and the rules of appellate procedure. Recently, there have been some changes in how long appeals related to custody and visitation will take to resolve. Learn more about this new appellate rule in

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Dec 14

7 Steps for a Successful Appeal and How to Quickly Move Your Case

successful appeal in divorce court

What Defines a Successful Appeal? Appellate practice is an area that most law firms do not wade into because how appellate courts work can be confusing! Appeals feel like a never-ending series of deadlines, and most trial lawyers do not enjoy research and

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Dec 12

Accepting the Enormous Amounts of Uncertainty During Every Divorce

uncertainty created by every divorce

No one gets married with a plan to divorce later. People build their lives around being married, and when their marriage ends, often they feel overwhelmed by the changes related to divorce. Whether you are ready to file for divorce right now, or in the

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Dec 05

5 Reasons Divorce Lawyers Terrify You and Helpful Ways to Find A Good One

Finding divorce lawyers

Getting divorced is already scary. Then, choosing the right divorce lawyer and hiring the right divorce lawyer feels terrifying and overwhelming.  Finding the right divorce lawyer, and hiring a divorce lawyer requires entrusting them to have the

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Nov 28

21 Emotional Divorce Movies to Watch to Calm Feeling Alone

21 Emotional Divorce Movies to Watch to Calm Feeling Alone

Movies can help us escape reality, but they can also help us process and overcome issues in our real lives. Read on for our list of movies about divorce that can reassure you: you are not alone. Be sure to scroll all the way down for a YouTube Playlist

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