Mar 19

Win-Win Solutions: How to Prepare for Family Court Mediation

what is family court mediation

Navigating the complexities of Family Court can be daunting, but understanding how to prepare for family court mediation can greatly alleviate stress. Mediation in Family Court provides an opportunity for settlement discussions facilitated by a neutral

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Mar 07

Discover the 5 Essential Tactics Used by the Best Divorce Lawyers

couple talking to a divorce lawyer

In the whirlwind of legal separation proceedings, the best divorce lawyers rely on meticulous organization and detailed record-keeping to navigate complexities, meet deadlines, and keep clients informed. Yet, amidst the emotional storm, the best divorce

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Jan 31

Are You Stuck Paying Forever: How Long Does Alimony Actually Last in South Carolina?

Can a husband get alimony?

Going through a divorce can be a challenging and confusing time, especially when it comes to financial concepts like alimony. If you're in South Carolina and wondering how long alimony lasts or have other questions about alimony laws, you're not alone. Let's

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Jan 29

Essential and Effective Custody Terms When You’re the Custodial Parent

As a custodial parent, it's important to understand the custody terms that will be included in your child custody agreement. These terms will outline the rights and responsibilities of both you and the non-custodial parent, and will ultimately determine the

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Jan 24

Be Careful Living in a Gray Area: Advice for Dating While Separated

Advice for Dating While Separated and still legally married

Is dating while separated a gray area for you? This article demystifies the complexities with straightforward insights on the emotional and legal aspects you’ll face and offers practical advice for those striking out on new relational paths during

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